"Berdiakonia Transformatif." LUKAS 5:27-32. Pdt. Rekso Darmojo

  Shalom, selamat pagi, saudara-saudara yang dikasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Selamat berjumpa dalam renungan hari ini.      Pada saat ini kita akan membaca dan merenungkan firman Tuhan.Dan sebelumnya mari kita berdoa.Ya Tuhan Allah Bapak di surga, sumber segala berkat,kami datang kepadamu mengucap syukur atas segala berkat Tuhan.Pada saat ini kami akan merenungkan sebagian dari firman Tuhan.Kiranya roh kudus menerang hibatin kami dan menjadikan kami pelaku-pelaku firman yang sejati.Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus kami berdoa. Amin.Firman Tuhan yang akan kita baca dan kita renungkan saat ini,saya ambilkan dari Injil Lukas 5;27-32 Dan ayat yang kita baca ayat 31:32. Demikian firman Tuhan. "Lalu jawab Yesus kepada mereka katanya,Bukan orang sehat yang memerlukan tabib, tetapi orang sakit.Aku datang bukan untuk memanggil orang benar,tetapi orang berdosa supaya mereka bertobat." Pembacaan firman Tuhan dan tema renungan kita hari ini adalah "Berdiakonia Transformatif."     

true story My friend is my wife's lover Part 2


Hallo....thank you for still waiting for stories from us. My hope is that we will all still be fine. Amen.............

Well, you don't have to linger...! eemmmm......where did you go yesterday?

    Oh yes. until when I 

came home from Lampung and arrived home and met my family. parents and of course all relatives. After some time off I decided to play at my girlfriend's house. Hemmmm....must bring souvenirs. Going to meet future in-laws (I thought). And maybe friends need to know that my relationship with my lover is not approved by all family members. Both mother, sister, my other siblings. If the reason is really just trivial anyway. He...he...he...is still meeting relatives, far away actually. But I don't know how far my family forbade my relationship with him. But...I'm stubborn though...secretly I built that relationship. Even when I came home and wanted to meet Him, I never talked to my family. in conclusion I went to his house which is not far from my house. Still a village though....! That night I went to my girlfriend's house. Deg-degan certainly, one year did not meet. How is his face, how is it.....how is it....the main thing is getting mixed up...! Tok..tok..tok....excuse me..! Yes....come in..! (I hear my lover's voice from inside the house) I slowly open the door! How shocked the whole house was when they saw my face, which of course is not foreign to the family. Friends also need to know that, even though my family forbids me from having contact with him, his family still approves. Spontaneously at that time my lover stood up from his seat and greeted me while hugging me and screaming... MAAA,,,,,,,SSSSS!
The nickname used by my girlfriend at that time.
I hugged him back and I said.... Diiiikkkk......i miss you..! I said softly. Embarrassed to hear by his parents and older brother. Me too Mas........he said. We hugged for a long time. Letting go of longing. We also talked for a long time that night. Until finally I said goodbye to go home because it was already night. I'm home, Diikk.... I'm saying goodbye. Later, Mas... he said forbid me. Well, it's understandable, girl. If you stay too long, you will definitely hold back a very deep longing. Yeaaah....alright. Briefly but yes.....I said..! He just nodded slowly. Actually, I don't want to go home yet. But the customs in my village are not for men to play at a girl's house until late at night. If you break the rules, of course it will have fatal consequences, to the extent that you will be raided by village youths later. Until it will be married unilaterally. Hemmmm.....horror huh.! Diikkkkk......! I said What bro...! he said. Let's play tomorrow..... I invite you. Where to..? Ask Him, Where are you going? I asked Let's go to the garden.... Haaahhhhh......to the garden...? he stared in disbelief. Yes, no, is it time to go to the garden? Let's just go to this... Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, I said.. Okay.....but what are we going up. he asked spoiled. Tomorrow there will be an angkot car that will come to our village. I said (so the story goes, in my village there are cars that only go in on certain days) Okay Dik ... I'm home yes. not nice to see neighbors. it's night. I say goodbye With a tone that is not sincere He finally allowed me to go home. Sir....Ma'am....I'll go home first ok... I asked permission to go home to his parents. And don't forget about her brother. He walked me to the front door. we shook hands. of course don't forget to kis...kis...a little bit. love sign. See you tomorrow dear.....I whispered in his ear. He could only nod slowly. Be careful sir. The message is soft. In the dark of the night I came home feeling relieved, because I had to endure the longing that had been going on for a year. ''CONTINUE PART 3 YES''


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Belajar Mengampuni. Renungan Fajar. Lukas 6:27-36. Kasihilah musuhmu