"Berdiakonia Transformatif." LUKAS 5:27-32. Pdt. Rekso Darmojo

  Shalom, selamat pagi, saudara-saudara yang dikasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Selamat berjumpa dalam renungan hari ini.      Pada saat ini kita akan membaca dan merenungkan firman Tuhan.Dan sebelumnya mari kita berdoa.Ya Tuhan Allah Bapak di surga, sumber segala berkat,kami datang kepadamu mengucap syukur atas segala berkat Tuhan.Pada saat ini kami akan merenungkan sebagian dari firman Tuhan.Kiranya roh kudus menerang hibatin kami dan menjadikan kami pelaku-pelaku firman yang sejati.Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus kami berdoa. Amin.Firman Tuhan yang akan kita baca dan kita renungkan saat ini,saya ambilkan dari Injil Lukas 5;27-32 Dan ayat yang kita baca ayat 31:32. Demikian firman Tuhan. "Lalu jawab Yesus kepada mereka katanya,Bukan orang sehat yang memerlukan tabib, tetapi orang sakit.Aku datang bukan untuk memanggil orang benar,tetapi orang berdosa supaya mereka bertobat." Pembacaan firman Tuhan dan tema renungan kita hari ini adalah "Berdiakonia Transformatif."  ...

Reflection. Psalm 9:1-6.Reflection. Psalm 9:1-6.


Reflection. Psalm 9:1-6.

Witness About God the Defender

9.1) For the choir leader. By song: Mut-Laben. Psalms of David.

9.2) I want to thank the LORD with all my heart, I want to tell about all your wonderful deeds; ]

9-3) I will rejoice and exult in You, singing to Your name, O Most High,

9-4) because my enemies fall back, stumble and fall and perish before you.

9-5) Because You defend my case and my rights, as a just Judge You sit on the throne.

9-6) You have rebuked  the nations, have destroyed the wicked; their names You have erased forever and ever;

 9.1) For the choir leader. By song: Mut-Laben. Psalms of David.

9.2) I want to thank the LORD with all my heart, I want to tell about all your wonderful deeds; ]

9-3) I will rejoice and exult in You, singing to Your name, O Most High,

 9-4) because my enemies fall back, stumble and fall and perish before you.

 9-5) Because You defend my case and my rights, as a just Judge You sit on the throne.

 9-6) You have rebuked the nations, have destroyed the wicked; their names You have erased forever and ever;


my brother whom God loves. We should be grateful if today we are still given strength and health and can still gather/meet here to meditate a little on God's word.


        The Word of God this time is the testimony of the psalmist himself, namely David. And what we are reading this time is the ''David's Portion''. This Psalm 9 gives guidance on how we are taught to act on God's good deeds in our lives. ...'' The Psalmist wanted to emphasize that He expressed what he felt, not just spoken from his mouth. But lived through deep feelings from the bottom of his heart. reveals how God made his enemies retreat. God then defended his case and rights, God did not allow himself to be humiliated by his enemies. God then gave what the psalmist himself should have received. From his contemplation the psalmist can see God's miraculous work and it should be told to many people. In silence the psalmist communicates with God. From the fruit of ko This communication is then expressed through praise poems and songs which are sung full of thanksgiving to God.

 dear brother,

Of course we have also experienced personal experiences about God's care for our lives. Experience when we succeed or experience when we fail. Struggling with many things that we may not feel so on our side. Failure after failure that always comes and goes as if we feel God was never there for us. In situations like that sometimes we often forget or even blame God.

 It's true..... whether we realize it or not, we humans who are not free from transgressions will never be satisfied with what God has given us. Therefore my beloved brother, through this Word of God we are taught to be able to emulate what happened to David. Even though in his life he is always close to God, he is also not free from mistakes. However, in any situation He always relied on God. That only God always gives strength and assurance in every matter we face.

As in the 5th cock

(Because You defend my case and my rights, as a just Judge You sit on the throne).Such is the meditation on God's Word today. May the Lord Jesus bless us all.




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