"Berdiakonia Transformatif." LUKAS 5:27-32. Pdt. Rekso Darmojo

  Shalom, selamat pagi, saudara-saudara yang dikasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Selamat berjumpa dalam renungan hari ini.      Pada saat ini kita akan membaca dan merenungkan firman Tuhan.Dan sebelumnya mari kita berdoa.Ya Tuhan Allah Bapak di surga, sumber segala berkat,kami datang kepadamu mengucap syukur atas segala berkat Tuhan.Pada saat ini kami akan merenungkan sebagian dari firman Tuhan.Kiranya roh kudus menerang hibatin kami dan menjadikan kami pelaku-pelaku firman yang sejati.Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus kami berdoa. Amin.Firman Tuhan yang akan kita baca dan kita renungkan saat ini,saya ambilkan dari Injil Lukas 5;27-32 Dan ayat yang kita baca ayat 31:32. Demikian firman Tuhan. "Lalu jawab Yesus kepada mereka katanya,Bukan orang sehat yang memerlukan tabib, tetapi orang sakit.Aku datang bukan untuk memanggil orang benar,tetapi orang berdosa supaya mereka bertobat." Pembacaan firman Tuhan dan tema renungan kita hari ini adalah "Berdiakonia Transformatif."  ...

My Friend Is My Wife's Lover.True story part 3.

 My Friend Is My Wife's Lover. True story part 3.

        After the meeting, we discussed many things. We have lots of things planned. Including I intend to make her my wife. Of course he would be happy to have a more serious relationship up to the level of marriage. What girl doesn't like it when her lover intends to make her his wife. Of course all women will feel valued, if after dating for years the man finally wants to proceed to marriage. with a sincere heart intention I finally decided to marry Him. Then I came back to His house (alone) and intended to discuss matters related to my wanting to marry Him.

That night I came to his house

Excuse me...... while I was knocking on his door.

Yes sir....wait..! (sounds of footsteps approaching the door)

        Smiling happily my boyfriend welcomed me.

        Please sit down, sir! (He said in an excited tone.

How come it's quiet Dik......?

        I asked

Yes, mas.... Father and mother were playing at my brother's house since yesterday.

        (short answer)

So you are alone huh..?

        (I asked)


        (short answer.)


        (I answered spontaneously.)

Asikk ... what,?

        (asked my lover, glaring and pinching my thigh)

Well.....the point is it's just cool dechhh...it's quiet.

        (Answer me casually)


        (He just smiles)

What do you want to drink...

        (asked to change the subject.)

(I just blurted out the answer.)

Iiiiiiiiiiiiihhhh......daaaarrrr...! just coffee ok?

        (Asked he offered coffee for me.)

Ready my dear.....

        (He stands and goes into the kitchen to make coffee.)

        (not long ago my boyfriend came out carrying a glass of coffee)

Here's the coffee.

        (He puts the coffee he made earlier in front of me.)

Thank you Diikkk.....I drink ok?

        He....em...the short answer.

    I don't know why my heart was beating fast at that time. Maybe you get carried away? I imagined several years ago before I went to Lampung. That time was the most beautiful time that will not be forgotten forever. The most beautiful sin I ever did with Him. I tried to close my sitting position so that I can also be more flexible to just hold it. I held his hand, I stroked my boyfriend's slender fingers. He didn't resist in the slightest, instead he responded by holding her tightly. (God.....keep me away from that sin again) I whispered in my heart.

Never mind Sister...... (my name is Dika) while it's quiet, there's no one here. what are you waiting for. (The devil bastard keeps whispering for me to do that sin again.


(I whisper in my lover's ear.)

        Yes Mass..........

(he said slowly)

        I miss....

(I whisper softly in my lover's ear)

        Me too sir...........

did not wait long I brought my cheek to his cheek. Gently and lovingly I kiss my lover on the cheek. Satan felt victorious in the end, because I too could not control my desires. My lover didn't refuse when I tried to crush his red lips, he even replied even more fiercely. I bit her tiny lips for a long time, not knowing who moved my hand in the other direction. Which finally arrived right at the twin mountains. I think the mountain is still springy and soft, and it seems that no one has ever touched it except me. I didn't waste the opportunity. Long time I crushed him, he closed his eyes a sign he really enjoyed the game. Her slender hands also do not want to miss. I felt something strange at the bottom of my stomach, it turned out that my lover's hand had barged in without my permission.

UUU......HHHHHH......DIII.....KKKKKK. slowly...slowly please...

I can't hold back the pleasure of the outpouring of affection from my lover.

continue part 4.


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